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​Complaints policy

In Riadco's endeavor to reach the highest levels of customer satisfaction, we have established a customer complaints management to improve the services provided before, during, and after the sale, and provide multiple communication channels to communicate with customers to answer their inquiries.

If service quality standards are not met and the customer submits a complaint, we at Riadco are committed to settling the complaint in accordance with internal policies and procedures consistent with the official authorities' laws, regulations, and rules.

Our customers have the right to submit complaints, and the complaints management staff are committed to the effective and efficient resolution of complaints or problems that may arise from the services we provide. The customer can view his rights in filing complaints by visiting the follow ​Customer Right & Responsibility.

​How long does it take to process complaints?
​Customer complaints are addressed within seven (7) business days unless further action is required.

​Are complaints shared?
Riadco is committed to the confidentiality and privacy of the complaining customer's data, and his data is not shared with any party, except for the official authorities and according to an official request.

​Will this policy be updated?
The complaint management system included in this internal policy and procedures will be reviewed periodically in order to improve the transparency, efficiency, and maximum customer satisfaction of Riadco.

​How can you contact us about this policy?
If you have any inquiries or comments about this policy, please send an e-mail to us at info@riadco.com.sa

 Last Update 27/05/2023